Friends of Outer Island
We are citizens from all walks of life with an interest in protecting the environment and serving the public. Visit, donate, or volunteer to be a Friend of Outer Island.
Our Mission is to:
- Preserve the natural resources of Outer Island
- Provide environmental education and wildlife dependent recreation
- Assist with maintenance and improvement of island facilities
Become a Volunteer!
If you wish to volunteer on Outer Island (veteran or new), you must complete the annual training program required by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service.
In-Person Volunteer Training
Saturday, May 3rd 2025, 9:00am-11:00am
at Branford Community House
46 Church Street
Please contact us at: friendsofouterisland@gmail.com if you have questions about volunteering.
Connect with FOI on:
Upcoming Events...
2025 Opening Date
to be announced soon!
Useful Links
April Presentation
Tues., April 8th 7-8pm
Join FOI at Willoughby Wallace Library for a presentation of "Born at the Water's Edge", a film about the history of Stony Creek. Register on Eventbrite. Click for more info